Next time you’re craving something sweet, go for dark chocolate

Next time you’re craving something sweet, go for dark chocolate.

Scientists have found flavanols — antioxidants found in cocoa — can keep your heart healthy by lowering your blood pressure.

They do so by keeping blood vessel walls elastic, allowing blood to flow through the body more easily.

Milk chocolate still probably isn’t a good idea because it is high in sugar and Breaking News can contain as little as 25 per cent cocoa. 

But dark chocolate can be up to 90 per cent in strength.

A study by the University of Surrey found people who took cocoa supplements had lower blood pressure and stretchier blood vessels within three hours.

The pills had as many flavanols as about half a kilogram of dark chocolate — which is normally sold in 100g bars.

Scientists have found flavanols — antioxidants found in dark chocolate — can keep your heart healthy by lowering your blood pressure

Scientists have found flavanols — antioxidants found in dark chocolate — can keep your heart healthy by lowering your blood pressure