Hunter Biden associate referred to 'the Big Guy' in SECOND message

A business associate of  referred in a text message to ‘the Big Guy’ – the second time the reference was made, increasing suspicion that the nickname refers to Joe Biden.

James Gilliar, Breaking News a British businessman, in May 2017 had emailed his associates – including Hunter – to formalize how they would divide the spoils from their deal with ‘s largest private energy company.

Gilliar wrote that the proceeds would be split, with 20 percent each to four partners, including ‘JG’ – assumed to be himself – and ‘H’, assumed to be Hunter.

Cryptically the remaining 20 percent would be divided, with 10 percent to ‘Jim’ – likely Hunter’s uncle, The Breaking News Jim Biden, and ’10 held by H for the big guy’.

If the ‘big guy’ is indeed Joe Biden, it would contradict his insistence that he was not involved in his son’s business dealings.