Do you want a lot more internet traffic from organic SEO?

By target operations

The bonus is paid only if the desired target action has happened from organic Internet traffic. Like clicking on the shopping cart. It works optimally if web analytics is set up on the conscience of your personal website, you own the statistics at every stage of the purchase on the website.

Content is what the user sees on your website pages: content, choices, materials, visuals, images, data, reviews, etc. Specifically, the content should give the impression of having a buyer in your online store. And at the moment, it is the quality of your content that is the main condition for the purchase. What we will do together with you to make the media content of the website better:

No need to pay for referrals. In fact, search engines don’t charge for clicks on organic results, so you don’t have to pay for users that come from search. Unlike contextual advertising, where any click on an ad will cost you money. But it’s not all that simple. In the search search engine promotion site, attracting a staff member or agency still needs to invest money. Realizing that the acquired Internet traffic from organic search is several times cheaper than Internet traffic from contextual advertising. Plus, when optimizing the website, work is being done to improve the entire project – the structure, content marketing, and landing pages are being finalized. And the client gets both targeted traffic and improving the website, unlike other advertising options.

Do I need to remind you that buying links is a taboo!? Today, you should not only think about the quality of your link weight, but that your reputation in the global network and social signals have a positive attitude. To do this, together with you, we will make sure that:

Is the site navigation system comfortable for visitors?

Are the search works aware of the design of your site?

Indexed Are your URLs?

Are all landing pages on your site?

Have all technical characteristics been taken into account and is internal link weight accurately distributed?

Site content

Methods SEO pricing for website promotion

By position

A list of search queries is determined in advance, which need to be pushed into the top 10 searchers.

Technical and internal seo optimization – conditions, which were previously the main ones for promotion in search engines. Today they are proactive and do not provide a guarantee for high results without improving the content, design and external aspects. It must be borne in mind that missing something significant in terms of the technical component, you can not only not achieve the possible results, but also lose the existing ones. That is why we will: