Do you personally want more search traffic from organic Search Engine Optimization?

Localized search relevance. The number of search queries in your topic may be quite small. In this case, investing in a full-fledged search promotion may be useless. It is much more correct to put the site in order and comply with it.

Secondary trades and loyal customers

With good optimization and well-thought-out website design, comfortable service card or a product, the user remembers the website and will be able to return back for branded queries. If the buyer after the purchase was satisfied with the service and product, then this interest must be reinforced and improved. For example, build communication with each client using CRM marketing. Buyers value personalized content that they receive at the right time in the right place. And they will certainly come back to order more.

The technical position of the website is improving. In order for a site to rank highly, it must meet certain search engine standards. By working on search engine promotion, you can ensure that the website loads quickly from any device, reduce the number of errors that interfere with purchases.

The site’s usability is being improved. Search algorithms are adapting and taking into account the comfort of using a website more and more when ranking. Simply put, it should be practical for users to filter, order and select any service or product.

Monitor the mobile and desktop version of the site for compliance with the requirements of search platforms and the standards of the World Wide Web Consortium

Perform mechanical diagnostic work online to find out without delay about the problem and resolve it promptly

Monitor the security of your website and your customers’ data

Stay in keep abreast of all the trends in search engines without exception and recommend you modern improvements earlier, how do your competitors implement them

How is Seo Google website promotion website promotion

Client brief and website audit

Promotion strategy

Search Engine Optimization-contractor creates terms of reference (TOR)

Webmasters implement terms of reference

Checking the fruits of implementations

Reports on search indicators

Correction of the plan and strategy

Cost of search engine promotion of the site

Depending on the tasks and current situationwebsite, you can advance by positions, by internet traffic, by paying for targeted actions, or you can place an order for full-scale SEO marketing.

By internet traffic

Based on the analysis of the website and its subjects, a relevant semantic core is created. The goal of the SEO contractor in this case is to increase targeted traffic to the website. The calculation of payment and traffic is made up to the start of work and is prescribed in the commercial offer.