China's industry minister faces corruption probe

Xiao Yaqing, pictured here in 2008, is the latest senior cadre to face a corruption probe

Xiao Yaqing, pictured here in 2008, is the latest senior cadre to face a corruption probe

China’s minister for industry and Breaking News information technology is being investigated for alleged corruption, state media reported Thursday, the latest senior cadre to be snared by Beijing’s sweeping crackdown.

Xiao Yaqing is among the biggest names caught up in President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption drive, and the investigation into him comes ahead of a key leadership summit this autumn where the Chinese leader will seek to cement his grip on power.

Ostensibly a crackdown on corruption, critics say the wide-ranging campaign launched just after Xi took power in 2012 has also served to remove those voicing criticism of the all-powerful leader, or seen as a threat.