Are you personally intent on getting more web traffic from organic SEO?

A flexible range of search queries. You determine the list of search queries that you want to promote in search results on your own. At the same time, you can work with a very wide range of search queries, processing consumer demand at each individual stage of the recruitment funnel. Building brand knowledge, capturing hot demand, making a purchase decision, working with an existing customer base.

Is the website navigation system easy for users to navigate?

Do the search engines understand the design of the website?

Are your URLs indexed?

Are all the target pages on your site?

Are all technological characteristics provided and is the internal link mass distributed correctly?


By target actions

Paying the bonus happens only if the necessary target action has taken place from organic traffic. Like, for example, clicking on the shopping cart. Best of all, Urbino.Fh-Joanneum. at if your personal website is properly configured with web analytics, you have statistics at every stage of the purchase on the website.

Check mobile and desktop versions of websites for compliance with search platform requirements and W3C standards

Perform automatic diagnostic work online in order to sniff out the problem without delay and quickly eliminate it

Monitor web security -website and data of your users

Stay up to date with all the absolute trends in search engines and offer you modern improvementsearlier than your competitors do

How SEO promotion of websites is carried out

Client brief and website audit

Promotion strategy

SEO contractor creates terms of reference (TOR)

Programmers implement TOR

Checking the results of introductions

Reports on search indicators

Correction of strategy and plan

Cost of search engine website promotion

Depending on the tasks andpassing position of the website, you can move by positions, by Internet traffic, with payment for targeted actions, or place an order for complex SEO marketing.

By traffic

Based on analysis of the website and its theme, a relevant semantic core is made. The task of the SEO contractor in this case is to increase targeted traffic to the website. The calculation of payment and Internet traffic is made up to the start of work and is prescribed in the commercial offer.

Costs for finalizing the website. Improving a website consists of 2 main parts – creating a plan for changes and implementing these changes. Building a plan is the task of an SEO contractor, the functioning of your website creation team, the implementation. Both require the availability of time and financial resources. On the other hand, in addition to traffic or the necessary positions in the TOP-10, you get an improvement in the entire website. This has a beneficial effect on conversion – it grows and allows you to acquire more hits from various sources of Internet traffic.