Are you aiming for a lot more search traffic from organic SEO?

Search Engine Optimization Ranking Factors for Website Promotion

Website promotion at the moment is not just working with code or optimizing a site for search engines. With its help, you can influence many points (content, structure and navigation, usability, commercial points) combined with each other and which affect the conversion rate of traffic. This is a synergy of user experience, business and conditions of search platforms.

The result does not appear immediately. After the optimization of the site, search services need time to index it. Search queries over time will begin to rank more and more until they reach the TOP 10 positions. This time period is consistently varied – usually from 2 to six months.

Hot Internet traffic. Users independently search for a service or product and for this drive in queries in the search. It is important that they try to find it in real time. In this regard, organic traffic is one of the best and easiest ways to recruit traffic.

No need to pay for clicks. Indeed, Internet search engines do not charge for organic clicks. SERP, so you don’t have to pay for users who come from search. Unlike contextual advertising, where any click on an advertisement will cost you money. But it’s far from easy. You also need to invest money in the search engine promotion of a website by attracting a full-time employee or an agency. Realizing that the Internet traffic received from organic search is an order of magnitude more profitable than traffic from contextual advertising. And additionally, when optimizing the website, it is about improving the entire project – the design, content marketing, and landing pages are being finalized. And the customer receives both targeted Internet traffic and an increase in the quality of the website, unlike other types of advertising.

By targeted operations

The bonus is paid only if organic Internet traffic, the necessary target action happened. Like clicking on the shopping cart. It works great if you have web analytics set up properly on your site, you own the statistics at each individual purchase step on the website.

No need to pay for clicks. In fact, search engines don’t charge for organic clicks, so you don’t have to pay for users that come from search. As opposed to classified ads, where every click on an ad will cost you money. However, it is far from being that simple. In the search development of a website, attracting a full-time employee or an agency, you still need to invest finances. Realizing that the Internet traffic received from organic search is several times more profitable than traffic from contextual advertising. And additionally, when promoting the site, the whole project is being improved – the structure, content marketing, and landing pages are being finalized. And the client receives and targeted Internet traffic, This Internet page and improving the quality of the web website, as opposed to other types of advertising.