The recommended quantity

Thanks to Ajanta Pharma and its preparation KAMAGRA Jelly, Ukrainian men can say this yield in a new frame: as a gel for the duration of said profit, which is consumed directly from the bag or via dissolving it in any non-alcoholic beverage.

This form of the drug kamagra online kaufen 24 Jelly as a gel has several advantages. Primary, it is the high-speed sally of the form, because the busy ingredient of the anaesthetize is in a dispersed state. This allows KAMAGRA JELE to act faster than its stone counterpart. Secondly, patients who participate in difficulty swallowing pills and are prejudiced against them liking single out a tasty gel. For good, the gel attitude of the medicament provides in behalf of multifarious ways to conduct it. In addendum, CAMAGRA Jelly has a delectable pineapple taste.

The peculiarities of using CAMAGRA JELLET contact to those celebrated for any drug containing sildenafil. In place of standard, patients should consult a doctor before taking it, uncommonly men with cardiovascular, hepatic or renal diseases and visual impairments (degenerative changes in the retina).

The recommended administer of the antidepressant is 1 sachet (50 mg sildenafil), which is taken roughly 1 hour before intimacy. Given efficacy and tolerability, the dispense can be increased to 100 mg, which is the climax recommended dosage, and the apogee recommended frequency of administration is in olden days a day. The pursuit of sildenafil is best shown when taking the tranquillizer on an empty stomach. You should also keep hard stuff, as it may expanding the side effects.

Camagra Jelly:

acts quickly – the top object of sildenafil comes within 30-60 min, the commencement of the meaning is already incontrovertible in 14 min (Pradma-Nathan H., 2003);

it works strongly – improvements were noted aside up to 85% of patients winsome sildenafil;

It works protracted adequate – sildenafil works in the course of up to 12 hours (Moncada I., 2004).

CAMAGRA JELE has a fleet, long-lasting and actual action, is sufficiently tolerated, of violent importance and affordable.

As a denouement of a clinical study carried out at the Kharkov Medical Academy of Postgraduate Lore and the Belgorod Found in the direction of Advanced Training of Physicians, domestic scientists suggest that the medicate CAMAGRA JELE should also be in use accustomed to to wine vascular disorders of the genital way, as this treat causes an multiply in the linear velocity of arterial rain to the manful genital organs – prostate, testicles, penis. This indicates a vasculogenic effectiveness of captivating CAMAGRA JELE on the virile genital system and propitious utilize consume in case of such diseases of the genital pattern as long-lasting prostatitis and excretory infertility, which desire improvement of the local mouthpiece blood flow.

CAMAGRA JELE is designed to alleviate patients regain their “manfulness” and towards the fullness and blessing of soul!